Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create simulated environments, Life forms, Tools. VR differences are users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds instead of sitting in pc just watch the screen. In VR you are the controller of that world every moment of you are affected by the VR experience also. One of the best ways of the VR is that it is a cheap tool to obtained and can work in every environment which you think will be the best fit in. In Virtual Reality, the computer uses a similar sensor and math. However, rather than locating a real camera within a physical environment, the position of the user is simulated to the VR and then share with the other VR users. You can also share your experience with your friend by using VR you can connect the same server and play games, speak, discuss(chatting) in VR. In the educational perspective, Teacher may use VR for their students either. They can help their students to undercover the word of Virtual reality by using VR headsets. In this VR sets, we can connect English discussion rooms, Play games with foreign studnets, discover English word virtual word.
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